CC images

The following figures and sketches are published under the license CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (that is, you can do with them whatever you want without even acknowledging me, great no?).

Interested why I am doing that? Because I like to reuse my own pictures without asking the publisher for permission first. And I want that you can do the same. I think no sketch, unless it is clearly a piece of art, and no plot of physical data whatsoever deserves copyright. Only Nature has its copyright!

Worried that you did something wrong when using a picture without asking for permission? Well, in most cases you will be fine if you use it for a talk or thesis as you have no financial interest in it. But it's a gray zone. And at the latest when you want to use another picture in a scientific publication, in particular a book, you will experience that it is quite cumbersome to ask every time for permission.

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